We will participate in the food extrusion workshop of the HES.SO Valais-Wallis school in Switzerland from February 5th to 8th.
The HES-SO Valais-Wallis contains 4 universities: the University of Engineering, the University of Management and Tourism, the University of Health, the University of Social Work and 7 Research Institutes..
In partnership with the FIE and FoodStream, the Valais HES SO organizes a seminar on the interest of meat analogues and Clextral will sponsor the 2nd day.
Interest in the commercial production of meat analogues has accelerated rapidly in recent years, in parallel with the move towards a reduction in meat consumption and an increase in those following vegetarian and vegan diets.
Our twin-screw extrusion technology allows us to provide high value-added processes to our customers on these meat analogues.
This is why Juna DEYGAT will make a presentation on February 8 about “the analysis of the texture of the HMEC product and the comparison with the meat product”.