Clextral will participate to a conference called: « 6° Seminario Internacional sobre Innovaciones en Tecnología y Mejores Prácticas en la Producción de Alimentos para Animales », from June 27th to June 28th in Guadalajara (Mexico).

Clextral USA’s president, José Coelho, will give a conference at the Hotel Hilton on June 27th at 5.30 pm: Tecnología de Doble Tornillo para Extrusión de Alimentos.

With more than 40 years of experience and a constant innovation, we are providing pet food production lines in order to help you create high-quality, tasty and nutritional foods, that will be innovative and cost-effective.


Our production lines are designed to operate 24/7, and to produce a lot of different recipes based on what you required. There are three different categories of products: dry (kibble), semi-moist products and treats.

They can take many textures, shapes, flavors and colors. With Clextral twin screw technology, you will be able to control all the aspects of your pet food, such as crispiness, degree of hardness or suppleness, airiness… It will allow you to make sure that each product is the best suited for cats or dogs for example.

Visit the website of the conference to find more information.